Training Tuesday #1
First of all let me apologize for missing the first post for Meal Mondays, I became overwhelmed with work and school that I did not get a chance to post a recipe for you guys. I will try to make up for it next week with something really great. For now, check out this delicious stuffed bell pepper recipe Here. Definitely one of my favorites and you can change it up anyway you like!
Alright so let's jump into training Tuesdays. My goal for each Tuesday post is to present you guys with a new routine or exercise that you may or may not have heard of yet. Since we are still on the topic of being specific, many of these routines I present may really seem out of the ordinary or pretty interesting.
This is important as it keeps the working out scene fresh and not cluttered with the same old "bench press" ideology.
So for this post I will be talking about a great workout for your forearms. This one involves getting some type of small bar or "short pole" and attaching a small nylon rope to it to where you can roll the rope around it. (If you can makeshift one you can always order one if you would like, they are known as "wrist rollers" and can be purchased here)
They key here is to add some weight at the end of this rope and let it hang down. With your arms fully extended straight out in front of you, your goal is to use only your forearms and wrist to twist the bar/pole around until the rope has completely wrapped around and the weight has come up. Slowly lower it back down and repeat.

This workout may seem silly but trust me, after a few repetitions of this your forearms will be burning in no time. Try doing 3 sets of 8 to start (one up and down is a rep), increase or decrease accordingly.
People oftentimes neglect certain areas of the body such as the forearms. A simple exercise like this though thrown into any routine can really balance things out!
Good luck!
Alright so let's jump into training Tuesdays. My goal for each Tuesday post is to present you guys with a new routine or exercise that you may or may not have heard of yet. Since we are still on the topic of being specific, many of these routines I present may really seem out of the ordinary or pretty interesting.
This is important as it keeps the working out scene fresh and not cluttered with the same old "bench press" ideology.
So for this post I will be talking about a great workout for your forearms. This one involves getting some type of small bar or "short pole" and attaching a small nylon rope to it to where you can roll the rope around it. (If you can makeshift one you can always order one if you would like, they are known as "wrist rollers" and can be purchased here)
They key here is to add some weight at the end of this rope and let it hang down. With your arms fully extended straight out in front of you, your goal is to use only your forearms and wrist to twist the bar/pole around until the rope has completely wrapped around and the weight has come up. Slowly lower it back down and repeat.
People oftentimes neglect certain areas of the body such as the forearms. A simple exercise like this though thrown into any routine can really balance things out!
Good luck!